With a surprising project, which embraces present and future in a kaleidoscopic vision of reality, PLANIUM unveils Unique Surfaces in natural and oxidized Metal.

Water, the concept of WAVE11, designed by Maurizio Galante & Tal Lancman, is interpreted in its liquid, solid, visual and sensorial forms.

"WAVE11 is an object and an installation in which metal and emotion become a sculpture. A layering of metal elements with surfaces that testify to the interactions between materials. A diversity of timeless 'textures' reminiscent of a coral reef teeming with life, lunar landscapes or delicate textures similar to precious lace. Time and Energy are the fundamental factors in this experimental project, a project that tends to tell the transformation by fixing its instant ... what the Japanese call 'MU', a moment so close to nothing that it becomes the whole”.    (M. Galante and T. Lancman).

WAVE11 consists of six modules in which nearly 200 brass and copper waves are distributed.

The waves carved with lasers and oxidized with controlled processes recall ancient lace, corals eroded by the salty waters of the sea

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The Shadow Light line, designed by Maurizio Galante & Tal Lancman and made in each of its components by PLANIUM, is currently on display at the headquarters of Galerie Armel Soyer in Megève, a popular ski resort in France.


A specialized team will be able to study and realize ad hoc projects or work side by side in co-design to the client who wishes it.


Gran Design Australia dedicated an interesting article to the importance of the choice of materials. The resulting well-being influences your body and your mind! The Planium brand has always been close to important issues such as eco-sustainability and the recyclability of raw materials and production processes.



Via L.Tolstoj 27/A, 20098
San Giuliano Milanese (MI)



+39 02.9831902
+39 02.98128248





Planium by Terenzi Srl
Via L.Tolstoj 27/A, 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI) - Italy
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